We produce 100% recycled sheets of paper by hand at our urban paper mill in Portland, Oregon. Soft deckled edges are formed as each sheet is drawn from a vat of water and pulp. Due to the natural, handmade quality, paper may vary slightly in thickness, color, and texture. Our paper is strong, acid-free and produced with recycled shipping boxes.
we charge our vats with water and fibers, draw our molds and deckles through this slurry nearly 70 times per day, then drain, deposit (couch) onto lightweight felts, and press the post of wet sheets under hydraulic pressure. we air dry these sheets overnight and pull them from the felts each morning into deckled stacks of rough edged handmade paper, with stunning surface texture.
*this paper is designed for letterpress or typewriting and will not perform well in an inkjet or laser printer.